Yesterday I had a newborn session that was soooo much fun!! This ADORABLE little family drove an hour and a half to be here for their new baby girl's newborn portraits. And they happen to be friends of a relative of mine, although we didn't make that connection right away, so I wanted to make sure and do everything I could do to give them beautiful photos of their sweet daughter. Little did I know before I met them that they would touch me in the way that they did. Since the day my own daughter was born, I have felt like I have this extra special kind of love for her, the deep love a mother has for her child, but turned WAY way up to another level. I have felt so blessed and lucky to be her mother and I have days where I still can't believe that she is mine....days when I am brought to tears just wondering how it was decided that I could even be deserving of her. It's not something I can really describe, but I feel like it's an extraordinary love. And yesterday when I met this sweet family, I could feel right away that they have that same kind of love for their tiny, precious little girl. It was just oozing out of them and filling the room. It was almost strange to experience that because, while I haven't worked with a mother yet that wasn't glowing with love for her child, it was just a different kind of love. It was that extraordinary, turned up, heart outside your body kind of love. You couldn't miss it...close your eyes and you would still feel it. So I couldn't help but to feel a connection to this family. And we talked and laughed, shared stories and laughed some more. One of her mommies may or may not have cried at least three different times just from being overwhelmed with joy for her baby while watching her being photographed. And yes, it was definitely the longest newborn session I have ever had and I worked my butt off (this little lady was one tough cookie to keep sleeping!) to get her just the way I needed her. But I am sure it will go down as one of my favorite sessions ever. Love this little family. :)

Her mamas informed me that they are nerds for Star Wars and they brought along some props for this adorable shot!
Brownsburg Newborn Photographer Hendricks County Newborn Photographer
Indianapolis Newborn Photographer
{Hendricks County Newborn Photographer} {Brownsburg Newborn Photographer} {Indianapolis Newborn Photographer} {Avon Plainfield Danville Newborn Photographer} {Carmel Fishers Westfield Newborn Photographer} {Hamilton County Newborn Photographer} {Baby Portrait Photographer}
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