Monday, November 7, 2011

Dillon's Senior Session

In a word....WINDY!  Whew!  From inside, it looked like a beautiful, sunny Fall day.  But going outside, we quickly realized that we were going to be dealing with strong wind the whole time.  It didn't really matter, though, because we still got a ton of great photos!  Dillon is the younger brother of one of my former seniors and I knew before we even started that we would get lots of good stuff so I wasn't worried!  And just as we did with his older brother's session, we got lucky and had an abundance of Fall color, even this late in the season!  Dillon was really easy to work with!  And fortunately for us, his lovely mom also came along and she was a big help in fixing little things and making sure that no one blew away!  Overall, a really great session!


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